Welcome! I am basically an idea person. More like an idea junky really. I love Pinterest for that very reason. So many ideas, but so little time! Wouldn't you agree?
This summer, starting tomorrow, June 1st, 2012, I will begin my 'Been There. Done That' adventure. I will experiment each day by trying out something new and different from one of my Pinterest boards, a new idea each day. Whether it is a handy tip or an interesting cookie recipe. Afterwards I will share my findings here on this blog. I promise to keep the entries brief, sharing the original link, my photos, and any comments or suggestions to improve the item further. I will also be posting the original photo and my comments on my Pinterest board: Been There. Done That.
When you see this little red pin (red pin award), you'll know I liked it and would highly recommend it!

Come join in the fun. Take a few of my suggestions and ideas and discover a new favorite of your own. Please share your ideas or suggestions too. I would love to hear from you!